Lady Gaga debuted her new music video for Applause yesterday – I updated yesterday’s post with it in case you wanted to discuss it, but I really didn’t feel like getting into it yesterday. I don’t feel like getting into to it today either, mostly because I’m in denial about how crazy Gaga’s promotional tour is going to be this time around. Seriously, it’s going to be constant, daily stunts, interviews, outfits, etc. We need to prepare ourselves. Anyway, here’s the video for Applause:

I have a for-real question: why do so many of Gaga’s videos seem so budget these days? I’m sure this video cost a lot to make – the makeup and wig wranglers alone probably cost a fortune – but it still LOOKS cheap. Same with her “Born This Way” video last time around, and with the video for “The Edge of Glory” (which looked like it was shot on a backlot in the 1980s). This video just seems like it’s desperately trying to seem fun and super-artsy. And it fails at both.

Other stuff… Gaga is going to “open” the VMAs again this year, which will probably be awful. And Gaga was on Good Morning America yesterday – you can read about it here, and here’s the video:

Blah. She sounds so self-satisfied here. Smug. I get that her monsters think she’s being so incredibly genuine, but I find her so false, and such a terrible “actress” in life.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
