On 12-7-1962 Julio César Chávez (nickname: J.C. Superstar) was born in Ciudad Obregón, Mexico. He made his 10 million dollar fortune with longest undefeated streak of 13 year in boxing history. The boxer his starsign is Cancer and he is now 60 years of age.

Julio César Chávez Facts & Wiki

Where does Julio César Chávez live? And how much money does Julio César Chávez earn?

Birth Date12-7-1962
Religion – believes in God?Non-religious
ResidenceHe lives together in a house in Ciudad Obregón, Mexico.

Julio César Chávez Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses

Julio Cesar Chavez has a net worth of $10 million, thanks to his 25 years career as a professional boxer. Julio holds a total of six world championship titles and longest undefeated streak of 13 year in boxing history. The former boxer is now an analyst of ESPN and TV Azteca.

Estimated Net Worth10 million
Yearly SalaryN/A
ColleaguesAngelo Dundee & Don King


    Currently no houses listed.


    Currently no cars listed.

Julio César Chávez: Wife, Dating, Family & Friends

Julio is married to Myriam Escobar since 2014 after dating for 18 years. The couple exchanged vows in a private ceremony at their home in Tijuana. They have a daughter called Nicole. Julio has three sons Omar Chavez, Julio Cesar Chavez Jr, and Cristian Chávez Carrasco from his past marriage with Amalia Carrasco.

Who is Julio César Chávez dating in 2023?

Relationship statusMarried (Since
Current Wife of Julio César ChávezMyriam Escobar
Ex-girlfriends or ex-wivesAmalia Carrasco
More infoWas previously married and divorced
Has any kids?Yes, father of: Julio César Chávez Jr., Nicole Chávez & Omar Chávez

Will the marriage of Mexican boxer Julio César Chávez and current Wife, Myriam Escobar survive 2023?


He might have befriended Angelo Dundee & Don King, but what about family?
Names of father, mother, kids, brothers & sisters:

    Rodolfo Chávez Lizárraga (Father)

    Isabel González (Mother)

    Rafael Chavez Gonzalez (Brother)

    Roberto Chavez Gonzalez (Brother)

    Rafael Chavez Gonzalez (Brother)

  • Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr (Son)

  • Omar Chávez (Son)

  • Nicole Chávez (Daughter)

  • Cristian Chávez Carrasco (Son)


  • Mauricio Sulaimán

Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos, Skin, Hair & Eye Color

This tough boxer originating from Ciudad Obregón, Mexico has a athletic body & square face type.
Hair colorDark brown
Beard or MustacheBeardless
Eye ColorBrown
Height171 cm
Weight67 kilo
Feet sizeN/A
Does Julio César Chávez smoke?No, never

Does Julio César Chávez have a tattoo?No

Official websites/fansites: jcchavezmexico.com
Does Julio César Chávez have official Social Media profiles?
