Chris Brown and Rihanna both told fans on Twitter over the weekend to stop talking about the February, 2009 incident in which Brown brutally beat Rihanna and fled the scene. It looks like they didn’t directly tweet each other, and they don’t follow each other on Twitter. Chris indirectly responded to Rihanna through their fan groups. They both made tweets about the same subject on Sunday.
greenangeleyez1 wrote:
@rihanna I luv u bt it’s time u stopped talking about the situation with chris in interviews.How r people gonna move on?
28 Nov
rihanna replied:
@greenangeleyez1 AGREED! People won’t stop askin abt it! Its f***in annoying! Nobody wants to relive that, but some ppl can’t respect that!
28 Nov
greenangeleyez1 replied:
@rihanna I hear that sweety…wen u forgive, the world will forgive and u will c people move on…U cn raise awareness in a different way xx
28 Nov
rihanna replied:
@greenangeleyez1 I get it, they wanna raise awareness to young girls! But it ends up just makin me look bitter, pitiful, spiteful and angry!
28 Nov
Then Chris wrote to Rihanna and Chris Brown fan groups “TeamBreezy” and “Rihanna Navy” that they needed to “move on”
chrisbrown said:
Y’all starting to sound extremely childish! #teambreezy and #rihannanavy It’s pointless. Love team breezy & thank you rihannanavy for supporting ya girl. [via OK!]
Rihanna is tweeting about a recent interview with British GQ in which she spoke at length about her relationship with Chris:
“I left – it was the best feeling. It was so freeing. I witnessed it [domestic violence] happening to my mum and I said I would never let that happen to me – and then it was happening.
“Now, when I look back, it bugs me out that I couldn’t see it for what it was. Before that, I was just a little girl from the island, singing pop music. It was easy to think I didn’t have a problem in the world. Then all of a sudden, boom! Everybody realises that I do have problems. It made me strong. It’s a moment in my life I wish would disappear. In my head, it’s gone. I have too much pride, I’d never let anyone see me cry. I don’t want you to remember me for that.”
[British GQ via Ghettofabu]
Here’s the thing. If Rihanna doesn’t want to talk about it, and doesn’t want to be portrayed that way, why doesn’t she just pass on those questions? It’s not like she gave some vague non-committal answer, she gave a longer quotable response and it’s going to get repeated. Maybe if she says “I’m trying to move on and focus on my future” then we’ll get that impression too. I like how thoughtful and introspective she sounds, though. I don’t think she should regret saying that at all. She went through that experience and she should own her response to those questions.
British GQ images via Ghettofabu